dilluns, 3 de maig del 2010

Discussion essay about education

In our times, there is a controversial discussion about education: the age limit for compulsory education. This topic is an issue among our politicians because they want to increase this age in our country.
On the one hand, in Spain, the age limit for compulsory education had been increasing over the years: we have gone from a compulsory education up to 9 years old (Ley Moyano, 1857) to a compulsory education up to 16 years old (LOGSE, 1990). Nowadays, this is the age limit but some people think that this limit should be shortened to 15 or it should be extended to 18. In fact, more people think the second option is better because in this way, young people will study more and they will be more educated. Moreover, there is a new generation of the young: “Ni Ni generation”, in other words, young people who neither study not work.
On the other hand, in other countries, the age limit for compulsory education is 18 years old (Germany for example) or the same as in Spain, like in Finland, but they have the best results in PISA (why?). Our policy of education should look at the results of these countries and in Spain we should wonder why there is so much failure in school, when Finland has the best results in education.
To sum up, in my opinion, the age limit for compulsory education should stay the same, up to 16, but I accept 18 years old too. However, I think that politicians have to listen to the views of young people, because they have the right to make their own decisions and decide their own goals. But, we have to think about our education, ignoring the age limit for compulsory education: do we have quality in education? Should we follow the lead of other European countries like Finland? We need to discuss this issue and we have to improve the education system to get young people involved in the society in which they live.

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